Sunday, July 6, 2014

July 6, 2014

Well today is officially day 4 of the coughing, aching, fever, runny nose, watery eyes mess that is called a cold.  I woke up today at 5:30 (well Maya woke me to go do her business) and I think I am finally on the "down" side of this thing. I am thankful for that...I hate a summer cold!

I had to laugh today at Paco Man.  As is my habit, when I go to take the dogs outside I ALWAYS look out the window to see if my deer are out.  Today about 6 of the boys were out over at the neighbors large feeder which is normally NOT a problem.  Normally, notice I say normally, my dogs will go out and do their business, the deer will watch them, the dogs will look back at the deer, we will come back inside and the deer will return to crazing.  The problem is with that scenario you ask?  Well normally when this happens the "girls" are out and not the "boys".   Can you see me smacking my head!  I can't believe I did not put two and two together...I am going to blame it on having just gotten up and was still tired.

As you is our norm, everyone went out side as did Paco.  Unfortunately, the boys noticed my girls were outside so they huffed, jumped and took off at full run across the neighbors did my a full all out run.  Maya and Sierra just watched as that silly dog went flying across the yard.  As for me....I am standing on my porch in my jammies, watching my 3 pound dog chase this herd of deer across the neighbors yard and to the far side of his house.  I look to the street in front of his house and I see the deer running, gracefully jumping and huffy as they cross the street.  I did not however see my Paco going across the street.  Okay, this is good.  At this point I figure one of two things has happened:  1) he is standing in the side yard watching them or 2) one of the deer had recently made a "pile" in the side yard and Paco has found it.  Oh please Lord let it be the first...let it be the first...please!  

Here comes Maya, she goes in the house.  Here come Sierra, she goes in the house.  No sign of Paco.  At this point I am NOT going to holler like a banshee for my dog.  I also know won't walk across the neighbors back yard in my jammies as my luck would be that they are in front of the big windows and will see me.  Okay what to do...what to do.  I turn to go into the house, I am talking to Maya at the screen when Paco appears at my feet.  Where the heck have you been Paco?  First and foremost I say"Good Paco for coming back".  Secondly I preform the smell test (which is really tough since I can't smell diddly!).  YEAH I could not smell anything (HA!).  Next I looked him over him for "funk....I find nothing. Yeah...then...Huh.  Okay then.  With a shake of my head, I guess its time to go in and start some coffee,.  Maybe I just imagined all of that. Huh.

I have coffee, I have Kleenex and I have my book now all I need to sit down and veg a bit.  As I sit in my favorite chair by the window I am watching the large woodpecker beat the heck out of that old pine tree.  He is so funny in that he is just darn LOUD!  Between his squawking and his pecking on the tree, its a wonder anyone can sleep in the neighborhood!  Anyway back to my story...I got side I drink my coffee I happen to look over at the large feeder next door and  I see that Lucky Luke and Curly are in the yard.  They are looking around, I mean they are both scanning the yard...are they looking for Paco Man?  Sorry boys that little monster is sleeping in his bed and won't be out to play anytime soon!

Just another day in the Pusch household!

Have a great last day of your holiday weekend all!  :)

Friday, July 4, 2014

July 4, 2014

Happy 4th of July everyone!  :O)

Ahhhhh....where to start.  Since last I typed Jerry & I have gone to Illinois for a family reunion.  We had such a good time. All my kids/grand kids were there, everyone ate lots, talked lots, and best of all took lots of pictures.  Was wonderful to connect with people who we have not seen for 25+ years and to meet family that I had never met before.  I can honestly say...good time had by all!  :O)

Then came the little bit of "other time" that we had back in Illinois - as in who can we squeeze in to see while we are back in Illinois for a couple of days.  I hate that we can not see all our friends/loved ones each time we come home...maybe it was not meant to be for that visit.  I know we only have so many hours in a day...but I am so missing seeing my friend Susan that it makes my heart very heavy.  I am so sad that we could not get time worked out to squeeze a few hours out of our schedule.  I know she understands...but my heart is still sad and missing her.

The drive home was uneventful which is always good.  We had to haul butt and get home as Jerry had to work that evening and he needed to have some time to sleep before he went to work.  Sadly between all the potty breaks, soda stops, lunch stop and gas breaks we did not get home till after 5.  Poor guy only had about 3 hours of napping before going to work...but he took it like a trooper and slept all the next day when he got home!  LOL

Not sure who but one of my grand kids gave me a gift that has kept on giving....I have a horrid cold!  My head hurts, I am coughing, my eyes and nose won't stop running and I am running a fever.  Like I said...the gift that has kept on giving!  UGH!  Poor Jerry has been avoiding me like the plague as he does not want to get this...not like I don't blame him ya bites!

As I am sitting here blowing my nose, coughing and wiping my eyes I keep looking out the window at that hedge row along our drive.  Jerry has been working to thin that mess out and it is looking so nice.  We have several mimosa trees that have grown in the disaster of that row.  With all the clutter being cleaned out, I am always looking at those trees.  This is the time of year that they bud.  With the light breeze off the lake, the peach colored flowers laying on the huge fan leaves always look at is they are waving hello.  Is it very comforting and relaxing to look at them whether it be during the day with a breeze or at night with the dim light from the yard light touching its leaves.  Mimosa's are just beautiful!  Its funny how I found myself looking for them in Illinois as we were driving.  I can not say as I saw a single tree till we hit Southern Missouri.  I think they have become my favorite tree.

Enough rambling for now....I am going to open a few more windows as I am feeling very warm from my temperature.  I am going to take some more Tylenol and take a much needed nap in my chair.  With my drink.  With my tissue.  And of course with Paco and Sierra on my lap!

Peace and love to all.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

June 26, 2014

Over the last year or so as I have gotten into photography, I have been told I should start a blog to keep as a ongoing "record" per say of what has happened with my pictures and my day.  Tonight as I sit with my grandson Daylin and watch "Adventure Time" for the millionth time I have made the decision to start a blog this summer.  As I sit here and try to think of how to start, I find that it is really hard to write an opening, a start, to this blog adventure.  I think I need to just approach this day by day to see what develops.  

Tomorrow morning Jerry, myself and Daylin are heading back to Illinois for a family reunion.  Its funny how I have not lived in Illinois for over 2 years but I find that I always refer to it as home just as I refer to Arkansas as home.  Will this ever change?  Will there ever be a time when I do not think of Illinois as home...or will it always be this way as I have children and grandchildren there and not here.  I have however found a new and unique life that I had never thought I would have.  I find that I LOVE living in the woods and forest that is Arkansas.  I love the wildlife, I love the lifestyle, I love the simplicity of my life here.  I do NOT miss the stress that my life had become in Illinois.  

As we ready for our road trip, my house is such a disaster!  Why is it that you think you know everything you need to take but in reality when you start packing, the amount of "stuff" doubles in size.  Really...will I use all this stuff?  How will all this fit in my little car?  Really!!!?!!!  The sad part of this trip will be that Daylin will be staying in Illinois, our month of fun is over.  The upside, and I am sure more adults can appreciate this, is that we will NOT be subjected to Cartoon Network!  How awesome is that!  Cartoons are so overrated! 

Well for a starting entry I think I did okay.  I think it will be a very different experience writing in a forum that will not have the feedback that you have from Facebook.  This should be a very unique experience that I hope I am up to the challenge!